LHAPDF6 PDF set release procedure ================================= Releasing a new PDF set is primarily to be done via the CVMFS distributed filesystem: this is now the canonical data archive, with copies on AFS and HepForge being secondary (and subject to future removal). PRELIMINARY: You will need an up-to-date copy of LHAPDF, e.g. version 6.2.1 or the hg head. It's best to build this on lxplus7, which has a system C++ compiler that supports the C++11 standard, and has CVMFS mounted at /cvmfs. You will need to set the environment so it picks up the libLHAPDF library from LD_LIBRARY_PATH and the Python module from PYTHONPATH. 1. In the expanded-tarball/hg-checkout directory, make a testing directory e.g. TESTPDFS, and download the PDF set tarballs supplied by the fitting group into it. Each tarball must have filename format my_set_name.tar.gz -- no .tgz file extensions, please! 2. Check that each tarball expands to a directory with the same name as the tarball without the .tar.gz suffix, containing similarly named files: a mandatory my_set_name.info, and N x my_set_name_0000.dat, my_set_name_0001.dat, etc. 3. Test each set's .info file for format correctness: ./testinfo TESTPDFS/*/*.info If everything is ok, it will be silent. 4. Test each set for basic operation: export LHAPDF_DATA_PATH=$PWD/TESTPDFS:$PWD:: for i in `find TESTPDFS -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \;`; do ./testpdfs $i; done 5. Ok, everything seems to be basically working. So we move the new set tarballs and expanded dirs into the CVMFS downloads area, via the AFS one: mv TESTPDFS/* /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/lhapdfsets/current/ 6. Backup and regenerate the pdfsets.index file and the Doxygen version which will become the table on the website: export LHAPDF_DATA_PATH=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/lhapdfsets/current/:: cp pdfsets.index{,.bak} ./mkindex > pdfsets.index diff pdfsets.index{.bak,} -> sanity-check the diff to see that the expected sets have been added, and have distinct IDs cd doc cp pdfsets.dox{,.bak} ./mkpdflist > pdfsets.dox diff pdfsets.dox{.bak,} -> minimal sanity check the diff 7. Copy the new index file on to AFS/CVMFS: cp pdfsets.index /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/lhapdfsets/current/ And sync to CVMFS... 8. Send new pdfsets.index and pdfsets.dox files to AB, who'll commit them to hg, and update the website & HepForge downloads area.