The UK Neutrino Network (UKNN) is a group of physicists, based predominantly in the UK, who are interested in the physics of neutrinos in and beyond the standard model.
The principal investigator is Prof. Steve F. King, who can be reached at king@soton.ac.uk.
The next UKNN meeting will be held at the IPPP in Durham on Wednesday 19th December 2012, starting immediately after the Annual Theory Meeting, from 2pm to 5pm. If you would like to attend, please register using the form below, letting us know if you would like to give a talk. We particularly welcome contributions from Postdocs and PhD students.
On this page, you can also find information on travelling to Durham, the current programme of talks, and the list of registered participants.
The meeting is currently scheduled to start at 2pm and to end, slightly later than planned, at 5.15pm; if this will pose problems for any participant, please make the organisers aware.
14.00 | Graham Ross University of Oxford | Stitching the Yukawa quilt in the light of θ13. |
14.30 | Joel Klinger University of Manchester | Search for Majorana neutrino production in same-sign dimuon final states with the ATLAS detector at 7 TeV. |
14.45 | Alexander Stuart University of Southampton | A golden A5 model of leptons with a minimal NLO correction. |
15.00 | Bhupal Dev University of Manchester | Minimal radiative inverse seesaw model. |
15.15 | Tea and Coffee |
15.30 | Francesca Di Lodovico Queen Mary, University of London | Status and outlook of neutrino oscillation projects. |
16.00 | Paul Soler University of Glasgow | Status of the International Design Study for a Neutrino Factory. |
16.30 | Peter Ballett IPPP, Durham University | Testing discrete flavour symmetries at precision oscillation facilities. |
16.45 | Krishnan Rama University of Warwick | Non-zero θ13 and model building using S4 group. |
17.00 | Manimala Mitra IPPP, Durham University | Neutrinoless double-beta decay and heavy sterile neutrinos. |
This list will be updated daily.
Steven Abel | IPPP, Durham University |
Peter Ballett | IPPP, Durham University |
Jonathan Davis | IPPP, Durham University |
Bhupal Dev | University of Manchester |
Francesca Di Lodovico | Queen Mary, University of London |
Maria Dimou | University of Southampton |
Colin Froggatt | University of Glasgow |
Sophie King | University of Southampton and Queen Mary, University of London |
Steve King | University of Southampton |
Joel Klinger | University of Manchester |
Michail Lazos | University of Liverpool |
Christoph Luhn | IPPP, Durham University |
Konstantinos Mavrokoridis | University of Liverpool |
Manimala Mitra | IPPP, Durham University |
Matthew Murdoch | University of Liverpool |
Thomas Neder | University of Southampton |
John Nugent | University of Glasgow |
Silvia Pascoli | IPPP, Durham University |
Krishnan Rama | University of Warwick |
Graham Ross | University of Oxford |
Mark Ross-Lonergan | IPPP, Durham University |
Paul Soler | University of Glasgow |
Robert Stainforth | University of Liverpool |
Alexander Stuart | University of Southampton |
Ryan Wilkinson | IPPP, Durham University |
Please complete the form below to register for UKNN 8.
Travel information
Here you can find information on how to get to Durham and to the IPPP. UKNN 8 expects to be able to reimburse any reasonable travel expenses that participants may incur; please submit an estimate of your costs on registration.