Short Term Visitor Programme
The IPPP welcomes visitors from both the theoretical and experimental communities. The Visitor Programme supports visits from several days to several weeks duration. Single person residential accommodation for IPPP visitors will be provided in a local Bed and Breakfast or in the TravelLodge. In exceptional circumstances, limited travel support may be available.
If you would like to visit, please fill in the form.
Visiting Professor Programme
The IPPP also organises a visiting professor programme to host internationally distinguished academics from the UK and overseas in order to enhance the research skills and work of the IPPP.
The aim is to enable outstandingly distinguished academics to spend between 3 and 12 months at the IPPP in order to facilitate enhancement of the skills of, and collaboration with, researchers in the IPPP and elsewhere in the UK.
The primary criteria for selection are the academic standing and achievements of the visitors in terms of research; their potential for making a substantial contribution to the skills of the IPPP; and the nature of the proposed research while in this country.
Visiting Professors normally remain employed at their home institute during their appointment and are expected to receive their salary or a sizeable fraction of it, while the IPPP provides supplemental financial assistance.
Depending on the individual circumstances of candidates eligible costs include: reasonable travel costs to and from the UK;
supplemental monthly salary to bring the visiting professor’s existing salary to a level commensurate to a senior professor in the UK;
limited research expenses, eg consumables, computer support, technical assistance, secretarial help, or similar incidentals.
To apply, please send a CV together with a description of the proposed research programme (of not more than one A4 page) to Dr Frank Krauss, Physics Department, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE or fill in the form.
Applications are considered on an ad hoc basis.