
Simon Williams

Office: OC320



A list of my publications can be found here.

Research Interests

My research focuses on the development of quantum computing algorithms for particle physics applications. I am interested in exploring the potential advantages that quantum computers can provide, specifically for the modelling of QCD process in high energy collisions and simulating Quantum Field Theories.

Recent Talks

795th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Simulations of Quantum Field Theories, Oberwölz, 2023
First Lund Jet Plane Institute, CERN, 2023
Quantum Computing for High Energy Physics, MIAPbP, Munich, 2023
REF: Resummation, Evolution, Factorisation, 2022
ISMD: International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, 2022
Lake Louise Winter Institute, 2022
Snowmass Workshop on Quantum Computing for High Energy Physics, 2021