
Jeppe Rosenkrantz Andersen

Deputy Director


Office: OC209

Tel: x43564

A list of my publications can be found in the inSpire database by clicking here

Research Area

  • Collider phenomenology
  • Higgs physics

Research Interests

My research is concentrating on solving the difficult problem of describing the processes at particle colliders in cases where the interactions are governed by not just one but several hard scales. This has led to the development of a fully flexible Monte Carlo-based implementation of the formalism of High Energy Jets, of which I am an author. This formalism systematically sums the leading logarithmic high-energy corrections to all leading and sub-leading processes at e.g. the LHC.

These predictions are particularly important for the description of LHC processes of Higgs Boson production in association with dijets, and for studies of vector boson scattering.


I am currently lecturing the level 3 undergraduate course on “Relativistic Electrodynamics” at Durham University. I will be lecturing the course on “QED and QCD” at the STFC HEP Summerschool again this year. It will be held at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University. The lecture notes for this course aimed at first year PhD students working in experiments are available here.