Cosmo-03 Programme

Ambleside, 24-29th August 2003

Sunday 24th August
19.00 welcome reception (buffet dinner, 19:30-21.00)

Monday 25th August
8.00-? breakfast
8:45 - 9.00   Welcome
9.00-9.40 G. Efstathiou Current Status of Cosmological Observations
9.40-10.20 L Verde Implications for cosmology of WMAP first year results
10.20-11.00 M Tegmark Dark Matter, Dark Energy & Inflation from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
11.00-11.40 Coffee
11.40-12.20 M Laine Baryon asymmetry versus the Higgs mechanism
12.20-13.00 D Langlois brane cosmology and dark radiation
13.00-15.00 Lunch
(or- 19.00).
Parallel sessions - 7(or 8) * 25 min talks
(tea from 16.15 to 16.55)
Early U      baryogenesis      CMB
19.00- Dinner

Tuesday 26th
8.00-  breakfast
9.00-9.40 H-P Nilles The cosmological constant in theories with extra dimensions (hep-th/0309042)
9.40-10.20 B Bassett Unified dark energy
10.20-11.00 P Brax tba
11.00-11.40 Coffee
11.40-12.20 M Peloso Super-GZK cosmic rays and particle physics
12.20-13.00 J Harvey tba
13.00-15.00 Lunch
(or- 19.00)
Parallel sessions - Session 2
(tea available 16.15 - 16.55)
Late U      cosmic rays      Early U 2
19.00- Dinner

Wednesday 27th
8.00-  breakfast
9.00-9.40 M Drees Testing scenarios for SUSY Dark Matter
9.40-10.20 L Baudis Experimental searches for particle dark matter
10.20-11.00 D Tovey Prospects for SUSY Dark Matter Searches at (non)-Accelerators
11.00-11.40 Coffee
11.40-12.20 T Moroi Curvaton and Supersymmetry
12.20-13.00 K Enqvist MSSM flat directions and the curvaton
13.00-   Lunch and afternoon free (to go hiking)
19.00- Dinner

Thursday 28th
8.00-  breakfast
9.00-9.40 F. Halzen Particle Astrophysics with High Energy Neutrinos
9.40-10.20 A. Strumia Neutrino masses and mixings
10.20-11.00 A Watson Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: Where we are and where we are going
11.00-11.40 Coffee
11.40-12.20 W Kinney Inflation post-WMAP
12.20-13.00 J.E. Kim Brane inflation with self-tuning solutions
13.00-15.00 Lunch
15.00 - 18.35
(or- 19.00)
Parallel sessions - Session 3
(tea from 16.15-16.55)
inflation     neutrinos      DM
19.30- Conference Dinner (drinks at 19.00)

Friday 29th
8.00-  breakfast
9.00-9.40 R. Brandenberger Challenges for Superstring Cosmology
9.40-10.20 A Davis Brane World Cosmology and Observation (hep-th/0209158, astro-ph/0306279, astro-ph/0306343)
10.20-11.00 T Wiseman Consequences of gravity with extra dimensions (hep-th/0211028 hep-th/0304070)
11.00-11:40 Coffee
11.40-12.20 J Terning What's so Little about Little Higgs? (hep-ph/0211124, hep-ph/0303236)
12.20-13.00 R Kolb The Universe Overloaded
13.00 Lunch and Leave?