
Congratulations Dr. Asli Abdullahi!

Asli Abdullahi passed her viva on 21 March, after a good discussion about neutrino physics with examiners Prof. Joachim Kopp and Dr. Djuna Croon. Dr. Abdullahi wrote an excellent thesis on aspects of neutrino physics, heavy neutral leptons, and low-energy anomalies. Now a postdoc at Fermilab, a bright future in particle physics awaits her.

We congratulate Parisa Gregg and Oscar Ochoa for defending their PhD theses

Parisa’s PhD project is at the intersection of IPPP and IDAS, Durham’s Institute for Data Science, centred around advanced data analysis methods in the search for New Physics effects at the Large Hadron Collider and machine learning for the fast evaluation of complex integrals from electroweak quantum corrections. Oscar has worked on improving our understanding …

We congratulate Parisa Gregg and Oscar Ochoa for defending their PhD theses Read More »

Andrew Blance defends PhD thesis

We congratulate Andrew Blance for defending his PhD thesis. For his PhD, Andrew developed novel (quantum) machine learning methods to search for new physics in LHC data. Thus, his work is based on cross disciplinary research between the IPPP and the Institute for Data Science (

Joseph Aylett-Bullock completes his PhD!

Congratulation to Joseph Aylett-Bullock who has completed his PhD after a remote defence. His thesis, titled “Colliding Worlds: Modern methods for amplitude computations and responding to crisis situations”, was based on his cross disciplinary research within the Institute for Data Science ( and the IPPP.

g-2 shows deviation from Standard Model prediction

This is a great success for the particle physics community (…)! The IPPP is very proud that Alan Martin has contributed to establishing the Standard Model prediction for g-2 that evidences a deviation from the experimentally observed value (

Maura Ramirez-Quezada receives her PhD!

We congratulate Maura for officially receiving her PhD today! Her work was on the intersectional field of neutrino and astroparticle physics, with the title ‘Probing BSM Physics with CP-violation, Neutrinos and White Dwarfs’.

Alan Price gets his PhD!

Congratulations to Alan Price who officially received his PhD! His thesis titled “Precision Simulations for Future Colliders” is attached to this news item here and the abstract can be read in the full text. We wish him all the best for his post-doctoral position in Siegen. Future particle colliders will usher in a new era …

Alan Price gets his PhD! Read More »