
IPPP Associateships

The Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP) is inviting applications from UK-based academics to hold an IPPP Associateship from 1 October 2009. Each Associateship will have a value of £4000 per annum and is funded by Durham University, through the IPPP. The aim of this programme is to support particle physics phenomenology research in the …

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IPPP physicist wins prize

At the Institute of Physics, High Energy Particle Physics Group annual meeting in Oxford last week, Peter Richardson was awarded the Institute of Physics, High Energy Particle Physics Group Prize for 2009. Dr Richardson is an expert in the Monte Carlo simulation of high energy particle physics events, and his codes are, or have been, …

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Michael Pennington honoured with title of Outstanding Referee

Founding IPPP member, Professor Michael Pennington has been named as one of the Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review and Physical Review Letters for 2009. Initiated in 2008, the American Physical Society Outstanding Referee program expresses appreciation for the essential work that anonymous peer reviewers do for the APS journals including Physical Review D and …

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New IPPP funding confirmed

The IPPP has received a new ten-year grant from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to continue its world-class research into some of the Universe’s greatest secrets such as the mysteries surrounding antimatter and dark matter, the possibility of extra space-time dimensions and the existence of the elusive Higgs boson.  The IPPP is funded …

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Stirling Lecture 2008

This year, the IPPP has instituted a new lecture series in honour of its Founding Director, Professor James Stirling FRS. We hope that this will become an annual fixture in the University calendar. The Stirling Lecture for 2008 is to be given jointly by Professor Brian Foster FRS, of Oxford University and the violinist Jack …

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LHC startup a great success

More than 80 physicists, mathematicians and engineers met for breakfast in the Ogden Centre to watch the world’s most powerful particle accelerator the Large Hadron Colider at CERN “switch on”. The LHC hopes to find answers to some of the most fundamental mysteries of our Universe, from anti-matter to dark matter, the famous Higgs particle …

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Farewell to Emerson Luna

After four months at the IPPP, funded by the Brazilian CNPq agency, Emerson Luna has left to take up a position as Professor adjunto (the equivalent of a UK lectureship) at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Federal University of  Pelotas) As the accompanying map shows,  Pelotas is in the “Rio Grande do Sul” state/province at …

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