Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods MP visits IPPP

February 12, 2008

On Monday February 11th, Durham City MP Roberta Blackman-Woods visited the IPPP. She is a member of Parliamentry Universities Innovation and Skills select committee looking
into Science Budget Allocations. During her visit she met with Professor Glover and other members of the Department whose research is funded by the STFC. In addition she led a question and answer session attended by well over a 100 staff, postdocs and graduate students, who expressed their deep concerns over the current funding situation. Dr Blackman-Woods said that
No one can understand why this happened and we’re not getting very clear answers … what we’re all interested in at the end of the day is stopping this happening again.
Professor Georg Weiglein who is the coordinator of the international ILC/LHC Study Group said,  STFC’s decision to withdraw from the International Linear Collider, which is the flagship future project of particle physics, has been taken without any consultation with the scientific community … It has already severely damaged the reputation of the UK as a reliable international partner, and it will continue to do so as long as this decision is not reversed.
Dr Moortgat-Pick demonstrated the princples of linear acceleration.