Waferscale CZT and CdTe processing for Radiation Detectors
Glasgow U.
Closing Date:
Deadline: November 13th, 2007
We propose a PhD studentship to work on the process development of contacting and passivation techniques for a CZT and CdTe material grown by Durham Scientific Crystals (DCS) using the fabrication facilities available at the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre at the University of Glasgow. The study will look at the optimisation of these processes with a view to producing a range of highly performant radiation detector configurations with applications in the areas of space science, medical imaging and security screening using the fabricated sensors coupled to innovative readout technologies which are adapted to the particular application. DCS have developed a novel growth technique for these materials which promises to deliver material with higher purity and uniformity than is available from the more traditional growth techniques and this research will develop the ancillary processing technologies to take advantage of the enhanced quality of this new material and provide detector systems with enhanced performance. The studentship will be for a period of three years.
A CASE studentship is a PhD sponsored by an industrial company. The benefit to the student, in addition to the strong industrial link, is that he/she will receive an increased PhD stipend.
Letters of Reference should be sent to: v.oshea@physics.gla.ac.uk