
UK-Astroparticle Physics Phenomenology


King's College London, London


Heurtier, Lucien

Start Date:


End Date:




Astroparticle phenomenology plays a crucial role in particle physics. It allows microscopic theories of nature to be connected with cosmological and experimental data, enlarging the scope of many next-generation observatories. Inspired by the success of the DM-UK (dark matter experimental searches), Cosmo UK (cosmology), or UK-QFT (formal quantum field theory) conferences, this series will take place semi-annually across various UK universities, with each event lasting one day. 

Funded by the IoP Astroparticle Physics (APP) group, this conference series provides a platform for early career researchers to gain visibility and for the UK astroparticle physics community–broadly defined (beyond Standard Model and early universe phenomenology, cosmic ray searches, gravitational waves, etc)–to gather regularly, share insights, and foster collaborations. 

Registration is free. The event lasts one day and includes a conference dinner. Small financial support may be provided to early career researchers on demand upon registration.

Noteworthily, UK-APP will also take place back-to-back with another one-day conference, OWAN25, so we encourage you to attend both conferences if you can! Opportunities With Atmospheric Neutrinos 2025 (OWAN25) is dedicated to atmospheric neutrino oscillation physics and related topics and is organised by Teppei Katori (King’s College London) and Xianguo Lu (Warwick). Both conferences have been organised jointly so that participants can attend either or both of the conferences. As theorists who value interactions between the theory and experimental communities, we definitely encourage attending both events.

Website of the conference series: https://ukastropp.github.io/ukapp.github.io/
Indico Page for registration: https://indico.global/event/13955/overview