
An exciting programme of lectures and hands-on sessions will discuss the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking within the Standard Model and beyond, including supersymmetry and Higgs-less models and searches for the elusive Higgs boson at the LHC:

  1. The how's and why's of electroweak symmetry breaking
  2. Why do we need a scalar Higgs boson?
  3. Higgs boson hunting at the LHC
  4. Recent results from ATLAS and CMS
  5. Simulating golden plated modes


Christoph Englert The Higgs boson in the Standard Model and Beyond
Chiara Mariotti Higgs boson searches with CMS
Markus Schumacher Higgs boson searches with ATLAS
Michael Spannowsky Phenomenology of Higgs bosons at the LHC
Adam Falkowski Higgs-less models and their phenomenology

Hands-on Sessions

Hendrik Hoeth Simulating signals and backgrounds for Higgs searches
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