List of Participants


Alan Barr (Oxford)
Albert De Roeck (CERN)
Alex Tapper (Imperial College London)
Alexander Belyaev (Southampton University)
Alexander Nikitenko (Imperial College)
Alexandru Dafinca (University of Oxford)
Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College London)
Antonella De Santo (University of Sussex)
Ben Gripaios (Cambridge)
Benjamin Allanach (University of Cambridge)
Chris Wymant (IPPP)
Chris Wymant (IPPP)
Christoph Luhn (IPPP)
Christopher Lester (Cavendish Laboratory)
Christopher Young (Oxford)
Daniel Busbridge (IPPP)
David Milstead (Stockholm University )
Francesco Spanò (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Henning Flaecher (University of Bristol)
Herbi Dreiner (Bonn University)
James Ferrando (University of Glasgow)
James Frost (University of Cambridge)
Jamie Tattersall (Bonn University)
Jim Brooke (University of Bristol)
Joerg Jaeckel (IPPP)
John Conley (Bonn University)
Matthew Dolan (IPPP)
Monica D\'Onofrio (University of Liverpool)
Morten Dam Joergensen (Niels Bohr Institute)
Peter Richardson (IPPP)
Philippe Mermod (University of geneva)
Sam Harper (RAL)
Sarah Livermore (University of Oxford)
Stefan Ask (University of Cambridge)
Steve King (University of Southampton)
Steve Worm (CERN / RAL)
Teng Jian Khoo (University of Cambridge)
Terrance Figy (University of Manchester)
Till Eifert (SLAC)
Tracey Berry (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Valentin Khoze (IPPP)
Valeri Khoze (IPPP, Durham)
William Murray (STFC/RAL & CERN)