65th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics: LHC Physics



We are intending to publish the lectures as a 350 page textbook which encompasses the theoretical foundations, experimental status and associated physics tools. The proposed structure of the book to be published by Taylor & Francis is

  1. Theoretical Foundations

    1. Parton model and perturbative QCD – K. Ellis (3 hours, 30 pages)

    2. Electroweak Physics and Higgs – S. Heinemeyer (3 hours, 30 pages)

    3. B physics – G. Isidori (3 hours, 30 pages)

    4. BSM phenomenology – J. Ellis (4 hours, 40 pages)

  1. The Large Hadron Collider

    1. The LHC  – P.  Lebrun (2 hours, 20 pages)

    2. LHC: Detectors and early physics – G. Dissertori (3 hours, 30 pages)

    3. Forward physics - A. De Roeck (2 hours, 20 pages)

    4. Heavy ion physics – R. Snellings (2 hours, 20 pages)

    5. New physics searches – G. Brooijmans (2 hours, 20 pages)

  1. Tools

    1. Monte Carlo tools – T. Sjostrand (3 hours, 30 pages)

    2. Statistical methods – G. Cowan (3 hours, 30 pages)

    3. LHC grid computing – P. Charpentier (2 hours, 20 pages) 

Guidance for authors

Please use the following Latex style files  sussp_TnF.sty and trimmarks.tex

There is an example on the use of the style files SUSSP_SampleChapter.tex and SUSSP_SampleChapter.pdf

Notes for authors can be found in SUSSP_AuthorNotes.tex and SUSSP_AuthorNotes.pdf while stylistic issues are addressed in  SUSSP_StyleNotes.tex and SUSSP_StyleNotes.pdf

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