Status of the scalars below 2GeV


Friday 12th April 
18:30 - 19:30 Dinner
Saturday 13th April
09:30 M.R. Pennington (Durham) Welcome
09:40 N A Tornqvist (Helsinki) Can the lightest scalar nonet be the Higgs-nonet of strong interactions?
10:40 Coffee
11:00 F E Close (Oxford) Why Scalars matter
12:00 P Gauzzi     (Roma- 1) KLOE results on scalars
13:00 Lunch
14:00 J A Oller (Murcia) Understanding the scalar sector - the role of chiral symmetry and unitarity
15:00 R Escribano (UAB, Barcelona) Scalar mesons in phi decays
16:00 Tea
16:30 S N Cherry (Durham) QCD sum rules and I=J=0 mesons
17:30 Discussion
Sunday 14th April
09:30 A Bramon (UAB, Barcelona) Scalar mesons in ChPT
10:30 Coffee
11:00 M E Boglione (Durham) Dynamical generation of scalars
12:00 KLOE Future Results
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Discussion on scalars in heavy quark decays and future programme
16:00 Tea