Midterm meeting - Registration form

9th-12th April 2002

Grey College, Durham

Registration deadline: 8thMarch 2002

Please fill out the following form

Last Name:
First Name:
E-mail address:
Tel. number:
Fax number:
  I would like to give a talk
Title of the talk:

Arrival date:

Evening meal on arrival date (arrive before 6.30pm)
Departure date:


I will pay the £ 50 Registration fee by


As an alternative, you can send a message containing the above information to E.W.N.Glover@durham.ac.uk.

    Physics at Colliders is a Research Training Network funded through the European Commission's 5-th Framework Improving Human Potential programme. The network contract (HPRN-CT-2000-00149) was concluded between the European Commission and network participants on 1st August 2000 with duration of 48 months.

E.W.N.Glover@durham.ac.uk, L.A.Wilkinson@durham.ac.uk