International Particle Physics Masterclass 2024

On the 22nd of March 2024 the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology is delighted to host again the annual International Masterclass of Particle Physics. This is an exciting opportunity for students to take part in an International Masterclass in Particle Physics. It is a one-day event with an expected participation of about 120 pupils from local high schools. They will engage in an actual analysis of real data sets from MINERvA, a neutrino experiment located at FermiLab, Chicago (USA). Our goal is to let them experience a day as neutrino physicists!

Event Registration

The schedule should consist of:

  • From 9 to 11.45 a welcoming induction will take place, followed by lectures held by IPPP members, meant to introduce the topics of neutrino physics (please see the poster for further details about the speakers).

After a well-earned lunch break:

  • From 12.45 to 15 the MINERvA workshop will run. Here students, divided in pairs/triads, will perform data analysis using the Arachne software. The session foresees the assistance of at least 12 tutors who would drive our guests into the tangled world of computational analysis.
  • From 15 to 16 a videoconference with FermiLab will allow students to exchange opinions and doubts with the MINERvA scientists, keen to assist their younger colleagues.

The event will conclude with a moment of greetings during which all the students will receive a personal certificate attesting to their participation in this Masterclass. If you want your class to join this outreach experience please contact Dr Jessica Turner (, Dr Aidin Masouminia ( or Francesco Sergio (